Juice: Power, Politics, And The Grid is a five-part documentary series produced by two Austin-based filmmakers, Tyson Culver and Robert Bryce, that follows the success of their first film: Juice: How Electricity Explains the World, which is now available on streaming platforms around the world.
The series takes viewers from Texas to Tokyo to expose the perils facing our electric grid. It shows how we can improve the reliability of our most important energy network and address climate change by embracing nuclear energy.
Juice: Power, Politics & The Grid features interviews with top thought leaders, including historian Patty Limerick, political scientist Roger Pielke Jr., journalist Michael Shellenberger, civil rights leader Robert Apodaca, World Nuclear Association director Sama Bilbao, Sacramento County Sheriff Jim Cooper, Canadian nuclear activist Chris Keefer, author Meredith Angwin, former IEA director Nobuo Tanaka, Campaign for a Green Nuclear Deal founder Madi Hilly, and many others.
While offering a sober assessment of the challenges facing the $5 trillion-per-year global electricity business, the series concludes with a hopeful look at the future — and the future of climate change — by featuring the activists who are helping fuel renewed interest and investment in nuclear power here in the U.S. and around the globe.